Connect Azure account

Learn how to connect your account and autonomously manage Microsoft Azure cloud resources.

Sedai currently supports Azure VMs and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Select a resource type to learn how to connect your Azure resources:

  • Azure VMs

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Sedai individually connects to Kubernetes clusters, so AKS clusters are displayed independent of their corresponding Azure account. To connect your AKS workloads, we recommend deploying Sedai's Smart Agent within your cluster, but you can also setup with agentless access.

How to connect Azure VMs

Log in to your Azure portal and setup access using one of the following options:

  • Azure Client Credentials: Requires creating a new application and providing your Subscription ID Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Credentials.

  • Multitenant Service Principal: This approach leverages an application created in Sedai’s Azure account. Sedai will use your Client ID and Client Credentials from Sedai’s Azure account to access your APIs. You will need to create a new service principal using Sedai’s application and provide your Subscription ID and Tenant ID.

Integrate with Azure Client Credentials

In this approach, you will need to create and register a new single tenant application. (Note: Redirect URL is not required).

You will need to copy the following information to integrate within Sedai:

Next, navigate to Access control and create a new role assignment and select Reader for the Job function role. Assign access to User, group, or service principal and click Select members to attach your Sedai application to the assignment.

Once complete, log in to your Sedai account and navigate to Settings > Integrations. Select Add Integration and follow the prompts to connect your Azure account.

Since you can add multiple Azure accounts to Sedai, you will be asked to give your integration a unique nickname β€” this helps you easily identify resources within Sedai.

Click the Test Connection button to verify your connection works. If the connection fails, please double-check that you've entered the correct information in each field. If the connection is successful, click Next to connect a monitoring data source.

Integrate with Multitenant Service Principal

If you're interested in using this approach, contact to request an application hosted in Sedai's Azure account.

  1. Create Service Principal: Contact our team to request an Application/Client ID.

  2. Role Assignment: Navigate to Access control and create a new role assignment and select Reader for the Job function role. Assign access to User, group, or service principal and click Select members to attach Sedai’s application to the assignment.

  3. Share Subscription & Tenant IDs with Sedai Team: Once you have created the new service principal and configured role assignment, copy the Subscription ID and Tenant ID and send them to our team who will complete setup within your Sedai environment.

Last updated